Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Krakow - Poland

Howdy folks..

its been a while since i last wrote on my blog....(off topic-I am trying to add pictures to my blogs but connection here is VERY slow)....anyways its been a while as I was very sick the last few weeks...I had tonsilitis and missed 2 weeks of work.....TRY going to the doctors (ID, Insurance, etc.) when the reception cant speak a word of ENGLISH....the confusion added two days to my sickness..anyways..

I am healthy now.....since I last wrote ...6 of my room mates moved out and only 1 came in...it is quite sad to see everyone go as we became very close like a family...but thats just how things work at my flat :(...we have to deal...so the new roomate is Patricia -Poland...haha..she is the first person expected to stay longer than me so that made me quite happy....but I think she is nervous of Ostrava...ANYONE would be once you start to live here...post communism rules :)

Not much has happened except that I went to Krakow Poland this past weekend....POLAND ALSO RULES...for you polish speakers..UWAGA...the best word in the world...First day we walked around Krakow and visited what you have to visit...castles...rivers...dragons...etc...yup...I said dragons....it is the mascot of Krakow I guess...The town square is perfect and is the most visited city in Poland...even more than Warsaw....We hit the night club that night...and I must say...Polish gilrls...are high up there... ;)....jokes Megan.....it was a great night nevertheless.....no details once again...haha..jokes again.. ;)

Second day I visited Wielicza (20 minutes from Krakow) and the salt mines.....it is an underground "city" made of only salt......the walls...the floors...the sculptures...everything....although it was frowned upon to lick the walls...you can only guess what I did.....its DAM salty.. :) ... the mines were totally awesome....we went 135 meters below ground....they even had the Last Supper carved from SALT...ooo lala..

Well that is the gist of Poland and I think I might go back time and money pending.....as Krakow is such a lovely city......

Till we talk again...

Kevin... PS. NOW its off to Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin in 2 weeks.... CIAO


eLdon said...

Hey Kev, just wanted to say hey! Hope things are well!

Chung said...

Kevin, its been a while ol'buddy. Man you've been up to some usual K-man shit out there eh...licking Salt Walls that is forbidden and eating Bananas in foreign places...hahaha. That's fuckin awesome! It sounds as if your having a great time, man am I jealous, but to each his own my friend.

Well I tried calling you a few times but your digits don't seem to work, let me know what it is again, maybe I got it wrong. But things are pretty good here bro, almost done school and will start work end of July at either RBC or TD I'm thinkin...we'll see.

Anyways bro, take care of yourself and I hope to read your ongoing adventures in Paris, Amsterdam and so forth. We miss ya man, when are you planning on coming back anyways? Alright, talk to you later.
